Saturday, December 04, 2004

Considering XP

I know, I know, I swore I would go purely Linux on my uber little machine, but with the number of drivers actually available for the hardware I have, it would be more efficient to use Windows (and I will not have wasted my money on that DVD-RAM drive or that TV card). To practice my Linux, I will do what Arthur did and just use Knoppix (Linux of the bootable CD variety) and maybe put Linux on my crappy little laptop as an alternative way to practice my command-line Linux skills (which are terrible right now, another reason why Linspire is not panning out for me). I also have some software that I am dying to use, but can't, because it's meant for Windows. I have all this damn stuff that's been given to me since I switched to Linux, and it's pissing me off.


Well, it was an interesting experiment, anyway. But I don't think I'm ready for it. I just don't have the computer skills to harness the power of open-source.

And I didn't accumulate much in the way of files, so burning those will be no problem.

This is purely a software thing, really. If I get Windows I'll be able to watch DVDs and TV on my computer again.


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