Saturday, October 16, 2004

Photo Gallery

I created a 'gallery blog' lastnight- it's basically all of my favourite pictures that have some sort of story behind them. I just think that looking at pictures is one thing...but it's way more interesting to understand the moment in time that the picture captures.

Michelle's considering doing one as well, and we've sort of come to a draw concerning pictures that we both own (especially pictures that have both of us in them)- we'll do our own individual interpretations of the pictures. It could be dangerous, but in any case it should be telling. I'll stay away from pictures that have stories that are uniquely hers.

I'm so friggin' TIRED. I had the world's worst case of insomnia lastnight. It's stupid, because I was pretty sleepy, too. Stress? Maybe. But usually it has to be pretty bad to keep me awake. Must be one of those lunar position things or something. My horoscope this morning said that Mercury was moving into Scorpio...whatever the hell that means. In any case, Phil couldn't sleep either, but that's really nothing new. *yawn* I'll just try to do my film readings. That should put me right out.

Just kidding!

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