Well, on friday I actually DID make it for a film festival movie....the bugger of it was, I missed the first one I paid for, and Phil didn't come at all. The hot water pipe burst the night before and was spraying water all over the furnace, and it turned out that the funky smell we'd been trying to determine the source of several days was a dead rat. Morris tryed to imply we'd left a window open or something, but the there was rat poison already in the crawlspace where the rat started out, so Morris must have known at some point that there was vermin. Anyway, Phil had to wait for a plumber.
*deep breath*
So I pre-paid eighty bucks for nothing. Well, not quite nothing. I went to see "Duck Season", which is a Mexican film about these two boys that stay home on a sunday to play video games (mainly Halo) and a bunch of crazy stuff happens to them. It was a wonderful movie, and Phil said that he felt bad that he had to stay and that he would pay me back. I'll be happy if he agrees to buy me the film on dvd, if it ever makes it Canada.
I bought a copy of EGM's fall preview while I was in the Manulife centre, at Indigo. I could have bought the one that said it covered both PC and Console games, but that one looked kind of lame, and EGM came with a nifty disc with a bunch of cool trailers and demos and stuff on it. We watched the trailers- that was fun. I don't have an Xbox or a Playstation 2 (but you have no idea how tempted I am to get one now, after seeing all of those new games), so we couldn't play the demos, but I might see if I can go over to Emma's later and play some of them on her Xbox.
I'm going to do my film analysis thing today- I rented "What's Up Doc" with Barbara Streisand and whats-his-face. That felt pretty 'typically hollywood', and I think it was made in like the 70s or 80s or something. The Blockbuster at keele and St. Clair SUCKS- they hardly have anything older than 20 or 30 years. All I saw was a couple of films with Jack Lemmon and...damn it I can't remember her name. They didn't look too interesting. Which I guess should have made them a good choice, but I felt like going with something reasonably familiar. That, and because it has Barbara Streisand in it, Phil's less likely to try to watch it with me, leaving me at my leisure to rewind it as much as I like.
So I thought, I can type faster than I write, maybe I'll watch it on my computer. I popped it in and a browser window appeared advertising that I could purchase a Linspire DVD player for $5 if I was member and $30 if I wasn't....the hell with that. But I looked around, and supposedly Mplayer is supposed to be able to play DVDs. I have Mplayer (or at least, Linspire tells me I do). Apparently, I have to run it from the console with some -dvd function or other. So I go to the console. I get into the "My Programs" directory, but I'll be damned if "Multimedia & Design" wasn't too complicated of a directory name for it to open, and it wouldn't go into the directory. So I renamed the directory "Multimedia" and that worked. But then I couldn't figure out what damn command I'm supposed to type in to run programs....I thought I would just type in the name of the program and the function-thingy and it would work. Argh. I'm contemplating downloading Xine, but when I have to install anything more complicated than an Instant Messenger on this thing, it gets disasterous. It's all a learning experience, but I think know how my parents felt when they were first presented with Windows. I have a headache.
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