Friday, September 24, 2004

Diesel Sweeties - my blurb assignment

Web-comics...gotta love 'em. This one I liked because the characters are cute and look like digital animations.

My personal favourite is VGCats, which is a webcomic where feline characters have satirical little stints in popular video games. Phil is pretty partial to Somethingpositive and MegaTokyo(which has so far released two printed anthologies of their comic). That's the stuff that's drawn. One of the other popular categories is sprite comics, which I sometimes read off and on. Due to the popularity of retro-games, sprite comics are pretty big. They take video game characters we know and love, and use them to make an endless amount of stories online.

And, of course, a lot of them (MegaTokyo included) are based on Japanese Manga styles (Japanese comic books, basically) and some of them even make fun of anime. Sexylosers makes fun of pornographic anime, known as Hentai.

Opinions? Thoughts: These are free to see (though the artist sometimes asks for donation) and are updated often. Web comics can basically work around whatever schedule the artist has. Which is also a downside- the artist doesn't necessarily have to work on a set schedule and can quit or take an impromptu vacation whenever they want. Comics that have a continuous story also present the problem (and I guess this would apply to any sort of comic with a story) that sometimes you have to go back through the archives to understand what's happening. On the other hand, some of them are just like newspaper comics, and you can just read it whenever.

I like the sort where each new comic is more or less self-contained and I can just sort of jump in at any time (Like VGcats). And I like funny- the heck with that angsty stuff, I want serious guffaws. Sharp wit. Pop-culture references. You know, the sort of crap people my age go for. I don't really invest as much timein it as Phil does, though.

Anyway, that's my take on online comics...I really can't think of anything else to say.

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