Thursday, September 15, 2005

Sea Monkeys Reborn!

Sea Monkeys Reborn!
Originally uploaded by phinux.
I bought this sea monkey kit about a month ago, tried it, and all my little sea monkey hatchlings died on me just after I fed them for the first time (by the time their first feeding rolled around, there was just one left). I left the tank sitting around with the water still in it, since the instructions said that sometimes if you let all of the water evaporate and then refill it, previously unhatched eggs would hatch.

Well, the tank sat on a bookshelf for a couple of weeks, and then moved to my desk when we put in the shelves. Today I happened to glance over at the tank and lo and behold, it was full of several, full-grown sea monkies (which are a variety of brine shrimp).

Unfortunately, I threw out their food packet when I cleaned up, so this joy might be short-lived, but I'll keep ya'll up to date on this one.

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