Monday, September 05, 2005

Blogger Spam

I haven't seen it on my blog(s), but I've noticed it on others- people are putting spam in the comments. There's nothing bigger of a let down than to get excited about seeing comments on a post, and then checking them, and realizing it's some jackass posting crap about interest rates, or advertising something that has nothing to do with the post.

A word to all you spammers out there: THIS WON'T WORK. Nobody is going to buy your crap. For that matter, the only people reading the spam would be the people keeping up with each particular blog, and perhaps a few people randomly surfing through. What honestly made you think that that sort of advertising would work? It's like calling people up, and leaving advertisments on their answering machines. It's in very bad taste, and it's going to make people hostile.

1 comment:

Patrix said...

Completely agree with this- Commercialism suxxorz...


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