Monday, November 15, 2004

"The time has come" said the Carpenter "to talke of many things..."

Well, maybe not, but we're almost done our film. It sucks, but at least it will be a complete piece of work.

I've been feeling more creatively inclined's kind of what happens when you ignore your inspiration too long, and it all starts to spill over. I'd better write something or who knows what might happen.

Luckily, there's Pat's animated flick that he wants me to work on, and I have a few other projects in mind, none of which I have time for...

The other day I bought some plaster ornaments to paint for people for christmas. I'm going to do a pair of picture ornaments for Debbie- us when we were young, and us now. I know she really likes stuff like that.

Anyway, I'm totally drained, so I'm probably going to head.

1 comment:

Café Olya said...

Hey Meg,

Just letting you know that Jarek's class this afternoon has been cancelled.

Hope you get this in time.

Take care,

Mike Tasso