Monday, September 20, 2004

Okay, let's get something straight here....

I've been blogging for close to four years now. I've learned a few things. I created this blog to tell of my technological/nerdy exploits, and to post about stuff relating to the Online Writing and Information Design program at Centennial College. There were several reasons for this, the main one being that angelfire has too many pop-ups. This is NOT my central blog. My central blog is "Dodo Feather Quill". That's where all the emotional and really detailed stuff goes. My life does not entirely revolve around nerdish activities. This is only one piece of the puzzle, guys.

I mean, I've only had this thing since the weekend, for God's sake.

If life were like a box of chocolates, wise-cracking commenters would be the ones with the disgusting orange stuff. The ones that get left in the box when you throw it in the trash can.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I still fail to understand WHO likes those ones... I mean, orange and chocolate are great together, but really, that orange is foul. :)