Friday, April 01, 2005

Oh what a day it was last day

I made my first TV appearance.

Jay Ingrim showed up for our editing class, and we got to participate in a recording of "Jay's Journal" for Daily Planet/EXN. The one we just did will air on the Discovery Channel on Monday night, sometime between 7 and 8 ( I think that's what he said), and on CTV tuesday morning. It should be up on the website by that point- I'll be sure to post a link. We all played extras.

It was really fun! There was a couple of shots that we had to do over, and over, and over again, but it was still totally a blast. Jay is just as cool in person- he loves to explain that stuff and talk about it.

The JJ that we shot involves pantyhose. That's all I'll say for now.

Later we really got rolling on the Riverdale Share site, and next week we should be ready to go live with the new version.

And then we went out drinking at the Old Nick. It was really fun...some people get a lot wierder when they're drunk (possibly me), but that just made it more fun. We played Trivial Pursuit...well, sort of. As much as a bunch of drunk people can "play" Trivial Pursuit in a bar. There were a lot of lude hand gestures.

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