Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Star Trek XI: the Ultimate Bring-Down

I recently discovered, that in what can only be called an act of pure mental instability, JJ Abrams, the Director of Lost and Alias, has decided to try and tackle the next Star Trek film. Premise? This one's going to be a prequel about the crew from TOS. Ya, that's right, and you wanna know what the going rumour is on who they want as Captain Kirk? Matt Damon. You heard me. Matt Damon. On the other hand, other news articles have pointed out that he's heard nothing of it. My thoughts: please God, PLEASE let this project die in the early stages!!!

Star Trek XII:

"Sir, Klingon's off the starboard bow"

"Again with the Klingons?! Mr Scott give me full power"

"'Tis no good cap'n I canna reach the controls!"

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Yeah, I found that pretty horrifying when I read about it and I'm not even a Star Trek fan...